GIWW West of Locks Flow data was measured in real-time with an Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADP). Positive flow is downstream, towards the bay. Negative flow is upstream, away from the bay. #Year Month Day Hour Minute TotalDischarge(cfs) FlowDirection UncorrectedDischarge(cfs) Notes 2003 3 24 8 26 77.3 W 57 locks closed 2003 3 25 1 51 1217 W 1220 "locks open boat traffic" 2003 3 25 3 44 1165.4 W 1030 "locks open boat traffic" 2003 3 25 3 50 1583.7 W 1502 "locks open boat traffic" 2003 3 25 6 15 1838.1 W 1832 "locks open boat traffic" 2003 3 25 10 31 723.4 SW -726 "locks open boat traffic" 2003 3 25 11 33 132.3 SW 30 "locks open boat traffic"